Last updated
18 June, 2002.
Latest pictures, click here.
Note: I've resized the images to make them download faster. Even the full-sized images are a lot smaller than they used to be. They'll look fine on screen and will print okay, but not great. If you want full resolution images for high-quality printing, drop me an email to let me know which pictures you want.
I went to Denmark and Sweden with Mom and Dad this month. How cool! Click on the picture below to see a gallery with lots of pictures from our trip.
Another cool thing we did this month was go boating in the canals with Kyna and Bart! Click on the picture below for another gallery.
Boating was so much fun that I went on an AWCA boat trip with Mom and lots of my friends. Click on the picture of Nick below to see a gallery of pictures from the trip on Mom's site.
May was an exhausting month! I'm wiped out.
Mom was on the panel of a "Having A Baby in Holland" seminar organized by the AWCA, so I was Exhibit A. You can see a few more pictures from that event on her web site.