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Last updated 28 December, 2001.
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These pages are still incomplete (especially the commentary) but there were so many pictures that I split them into multiple pages.   Click on the link bar above to see the other pages.

5 November 2001

Here are Thea and Thijs on the way to the gate. Our flight was early, so we had to be up before five in the morning. Yawn!

We requested a bassinet, so Thijs slept for most of the flight.

Not the whole flight, though. The crew were wonderful - they played with him and brought a little goody bag which included the Snoopy you can see in this picture.

The flight was fine, but we spent a quiet day recovering.

Here's the "Cool Boy" on his first day in the states.

And here he is in the bouncy chair that Aunt Kelly left for him. The blur by his feet is because it vibrates.

Uncle Mark, Aunt Kelly and Cousin John came to visit the new addition on our first evening in New Jersey.

Mark walked in at an inopportune moment and had a baby thrust into his arms.

John wasn't too pleased.

Even when Mommy was there too.

Thijs didn't seem to mind, though.

So we played musical babies for awhile...

"Hmmmm... that Apple Juice looks tasty!"

Finally, Thijs had a little rice before bed.

6 November 2001

The next morning, Thad came over to visit.

Thjis plays "hop on pop" while Mom and Grandma get his bath ready.

Bath time!

In Grandma's lettuce bowl...

Thijs doesn't mind, but...

He's used to his Tummy Tub, so he kept trying to stand up. Slippery baby alert!

7-10 November 2001

Next we drove to Boston, so Thijs could meet his Oma and Uncle Kirk.

They had a lot of fun together.

And Oma gave Thijs a snow globe Christmas ornament that just fascinated him!

Our hotel in Boston gave us a _very_ sturdy crib.

Oma and Kirk came over for breakfast before we left.

So we took pictures all around.

We made one last stop at the house before hitting the road back to New Jersey.

11 November 2001

Kelly, John and Mark came to visit again once we got back.

Thijs was sleeping, so John played in the house for a bit.

Then he went outside to help his Dad and Grandpa clean the yard.

Jessie helped too, of course.

John sneaks in a picture with Grandpa while Thijs is sleeping.

John lets everyone know the baby is awake.

Thijs giggling with Aunt Kelly.

Time for a group picture!

Kiss and make up!

Not exactly two peas in a pod.

Laughing with Aunt Kelly.

Aunt Kelly teaches (tries to teach) us how to use the nose sucker. She actually got something! Thijs, however, was not pleased.

All he needed was a hug from Mommy.

Then we all sat down to dinner.

After dinner, Michael came by.

12 November 2001

Thijs likes the nice shiny can...

...and really wants to help Grandpa with his beer.

We thought maybe a smell would cure him...

...but he still wanted to drink from it.

No luck on the beer front, but Grandma gave him some rice for dinner.

13 November 2001

The next morning, we decided to take some pictures of Thijs in the Kressbach family cradle.

And that evening, Thijs got to try carrots for the first time.

They were a big hit, but messy. Thijs _really_ wanted to drive the spoon.

By the time they were done, it looked like somebody had set off a carrot bomb in the kitchen.

14 November 2001

"A spoon! I know what that's for!"

"Hey! Why aren't there any carrots?"

Thea cuts (tries to cut) Thijs' fingernails while he's asleep.

That night, Adele came to visit and Thijs had a great time with her.

Thijs also got to try on the Sinterklaas hat that Grandma made for him.

Off to bed...

15 November 2001

16 November 2001



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